W.A.S.P.'s The Crimson Idol is a concept album about a boy, who grows up in an abusive household, and ends up living on the street. While roaming the streets, he finds one thing that he can take solace in; a guitar. This boy ends up becoming a rock-star, which is what he thought he wanted to be. In the end he realizes that even though he is famous, his personal, inside problems still are not gone. He still is missing love, and true acceptance in his life.
The Crimson Idol is an absolutely heart-breaking album. Black Lawless' voice is so desperate; truly in search of something that means more than just money and fame. It is incredibly obvious that The Crimson Idol is more than just a story to Blackie, but something that he connects with.
The Crimson Idol is W.A.S.P.'s most emotional, and most powerful release. It is a heavy metal classic, that features a character who constantly tries to reach for a solid foundation in his life, but ends up falling into the same traps that so many people do. The Crimson Idol is one of the best, lyrically powerful, and most personal heavy metal albums ever made.